Here, at the Edge of the World

Here, at the Edge of the World

It seems that I write this post every few months now, an excuse or explanation of why I haven’t been writing. This time, the difference is that there’s no apology attached, to myself or anyone else. I haven’t written in the past few months because I have truly been unable to.

My life has seen a monumental change in the space of just a few months. I’ve graduated from college with a degree in engineering, a task that I found very difficult to do, and so have begun a career as an engineer with a reputable company. However, my job required me to leave my comfort zone of Greater Boston, and move all the way to California. It happened fast, and a transition of that magnitude in such a short time swept my feet out from under me for a while. I can say with certainty that going forward my life will never be the same again for what I am experiencing.

The whole deal has made me realize that there are certain things that can’t be controlled. I’m not saying that I ended up where I am by chance, but getting to pick and choose the perfect conditions in which to exist is not something that will ever happen. I believe this is an important realization for two reasons: it means that there are conditions and events that we can control, and more importantly, that it’s possible to tell the difference.

Life isn’t exactly like a story that we write, where our characters live as the writer wills, but just like any good story, it isn’t something that should just happen to you either. Be ready for change, because change is always coming. Facilitate it when it feels right, and if it doesn’t, be wary. Learn, then act as you see fit. Vigilance will keep you on your feet when you can’t afford to get knocked down.

I didn’t really mean to preach a whole sermon, but there it is. The point is, I’ve learned from the changes that I’ve undergone, and I’m ready to continue in my writing, more determined than ever to become a writer of significance. I don’t know how long it will take me to get there, but I will.

I stand at the edge of a great and unfamiliar sea with everything I’ve ever known at my back. If I can’t find a boat, I’ll swim.

Here I come.


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